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How NOT to clean a tile floor.

Keeping a tile floor looking clean and new is not always easy, especially when you live in a busy household. Sometimes you may just want to take the quick and easy route, but that's may not always be the best for your tile floors. 

Here are five ways NOT to clean your tile floors:

Don't make a habit out of cleaning with bleach! One of the first things people reach for when tile and grout surfaces get dirty is stinky and discolored is bleach. Stop! Bleach is great for a general clean, but the idea that bleach is suitable for cleaning tile and grout regularly is a myth!

Bleach can be used sparingly every now and then to disinfect, whiten, and remove stains and contaminates. However, with frequent use, bleach weakens the grout structure and causes it to become brittle and deteriorate much quicker. Continuing to buy the myth that bleach is best will cause severe problems with your tile and grout surfaces, costing you a lot more money in the long run. And no matter what, never use bleach on colored grout! 

Go easy on the acid-based cleaners for tile and grout surfaces. Even though acid-based cleaners claim they may be good at cleaning tile, when used frequently or in too strong of a concentration, these cleaners are harsh. They could cause damage by eroding your grout and emitting harmful vapors, which tarnish fixtures like stainless steel faucets. If you must use acid-based products, use only those cleaners specifically made for use with tile and grout surfaces.

Never scrub tile and grout vigorously with a wire brush. Wire brushes are another sure-fire way to damage your tile and grout. You should never use a brush any harsher than one with soft or medium bristles along with a solution that cleans and breaks up the dirt to enable removal with a wet vac.

Don't allow soapy water to stand on grout and tile surfaces for long periods. While pre-soaking may help loosen the dirt, never leave soapy water to dry on grout and tile surfaces. Residue from soapy water is tacky and draws dirt like a magnet. Always thoroughly rinse the tile and grout floor with clean water before soap has dried completely, then use a wet vac.

Thinking you don't have to clean floors that have been sealed with a sealing agent. You may think by applying a sealing agent to a tile and grout floor, contamination and maintenance are no longer a problem. Although proper cleaning and sealing of your tile and grout floor reduce contamination and the need for maintenance, erosion of the sealer will occur by constant wear in high traffic areas. In order to continually repel traffic stains, food stains, and stains from dirty mop water, it is necessary to periodically clean and get the sealer reapplied by a professional. 

Gator Clean can restore the beauty of your tile and grout quickly and efficiently with our professional system and expert technicians. Contact our team today to schedule tile and grout cleaning.