Residential and commercial carpet and tile cleaner serving Central Florida

(352) 508-4556

Caring For Your Oriental Rug

Area rugs are a great way to add unique charm and beauty to a room or out door space. None is as stunning as a handmade Oriental rug. With intricate colors and patterns, rugs have been used for hundreds of years. Many have been passed down through generations and many pay top dollar fine oriental rugs.

Oriental rugs and area rugs require a much gentler touch than regular carpet, especially if it is a priceless heirloom. A handcrafted rug will last for many years if precautions are taken to prevent too much damaged. They can get as much traffic as any other part of the house and fall prey to water damage, insects, pet stains, dogs chewing, and vacuum cleaning abuse.

Here are some things you can do to prevent detrimental damage to your delicate rug:

  • Avoid using the power brush when vacuuming, it is to harsh on the fibers and creates premature wear.
  • Resist temptation to bleach the fringe, it will cause them to break down an tear off.
  • Protect your rug from too much sunlight by using drapes and turn once a year to even out discoloration if any.
  • Prevent uneven wear by turning it once a year and avoid uneven floors.
  • Vacuum regularly as well as both sides of the rug several times a year to stave off pesky moths and carpet beetles.
  • Have your rug cleaned once a year by a professional carpet cleaning service like Gator Clean.