Residential and commercial carpet and tile cleaner serving Central Florida

(352) 508-4556

Carpet Cleaning Myths Debunked.

There are common misconceptions about carpet cleaning that may have left you misinformed and misguided about taking care of your carpet.  Well, we're here to put those myths to rest and help you understand the facts about carpet cleaning.

Myth #1: Carpet Cleaning Shrinks Your Carpet: FALSE

Unless your carpet is left extremely wet, your carpet will not shrink after it's cleaned. Professional carpet cleaners do not allow this to occur, but always play it safe and check the dampness of your carpet following a cleaning.

Myth #2: Following the Purchase of New Carpet, I Should Wait a Few Years to Have it Cleaned: FALSE

Just because you can't see all of the dirt and subtle stains in your specific type of carpet, doesn't mean it isn't there. Whether you can see it or not, dirt and debris act as abrasives. These cause your carpet to wear, to lose fiber protection, and possibly even some color loss. Waiting years to clean new carpet also adds to health problems like allergies, respiratory trouble, and skin infection and irritation.

Myth #3: Only Carpet With Noticeable Stains Needs to be Cleaned: FALSE

As mentioned in Myth #2, dirt and debris build-up is not always noticeable. To get the most quality and life out of your carpet, it's recommended they be cleaned professionally at least once per year - especially if you have pets or children at home.

Myth #4: I Can Clean My Carpet Just as Well With a Rental Machine: FALSE
For small stains or routine house cleaning, rental machines are convenient. However, most machines lack the suction power that professional machines have. Your stain might be loosened by a rental machine, but you'll still be left with residue or damaged carpet padding.

The best way to get clean and fresh carpets is to contact Gator Clean. Fill out our free quote request today!