Residential and commercial carpet and tile cleaner serving Central Florida

(352) 508-4556

Checklist for a Clean Holiday Party


Has your home been chosen to host the holiday party this year? The secret to a nicely cleaned home is a good plan and consistency. But, of course around the holiday season, schedules and plans can be hard to keep. With events, gatherings, gift giving and more - staying focused can be difficult by itself.


So how do you get it all done and prioritize the scheduling of a professional carpet cleaner and prepare extra guest bedrooms for your family? Breathe deeply, and know that we are here for you.


Here are some helpful tips to use as a checklist when preparing your home for the holiday event:


Guest Bathrooms - Be sure your bathrooms are thoroughly cleaned and stocked with hand soap, toilet paper and clean hand towels. Make sure everything your guests need is out in plain site and easy to access.


Upholstered Furniture - Vacuum upholstered furniture and wash any removable cushion covers in water above 130 degrees Fahrenheit. For a deeper, longer lasting clean - schedule a furniture upholstery cleaning along with your floor cleaning and ask about furniture protector products.


Floors - To avoid sharing colds and flus or allergens and bacteria with your guests, be sure to schedule a professional floor cleaning to give your home an extra sparkle this season.


Linens - Wash guest linens in hot water (above 130 degrees Fahrenheit) and place covers that are dust proof on all of the pillows, mattresses and boxsprings.


Windows - dust and clean windows, curtains or blinds with a clean, microfiber cloth


Most of all, enjoy yourself. Your guests will feel relaxed when you are relaxed and have prepared everything ahead of time. Contact the professionals at Gator Clean for these and other helpful tips along with scheduling your floor and upholstery cleaning services.