Residential and commercial carpet and tile cleaner serving Central Florida

(352) 508-4556

Do I still need to mop if I steam clean my floors?

The best strategy for using steam cleaning is to use it on a regularly maintained floor.  When you steam clean a heavily soiled floor, the dirt mixed with hot steam and the results are less than ideal. If your floors have been swept and mopped first, you save time and effort in the long run.

Extra Mop Pads Are Essential
To avoid dragging or smearing dirt as you steam clean, you'll need to have extra mop pads, so you can change them as often as necessary. Usually reasonably priced, steam mop pads are quickly tossed into the washer and hung up to dry. Carefully read your product user manual to learn care instructions for your specific steam cleaning mop and accessories. Change the mop pad when one is dirty, to ensure a clean, shiny steam mopping. Remove the pads from the steamer immediately after you use them and then launder.

Use Steam only on Sealed Floors
Excess moisture is highly damaging to some surfaces, so steam mops should only ever be used on a floor that's been sealed. Always keep your steam mop in motion while in use, and never leave it idling in one spot. Never leave a steam mop unattended and powered on. When you're done cleaning, allow the mop to cool and remove the pad soon after cleaning.

Of course, contacting Gator Clean for a free quote is the best way to make sure your floors are looking their best!