Residential and commercial carpet and tile cleaner serving Central Florida

(352) 508-4556

First Impressions are Everything: Why Routine Carpet Cleaning Is Good for Your Business

All good business owners know that the first impression is the lasting impression, so giving off a clean, well maintained look in your office, retail store, gym, medical facility or any other business, is vital at all times. A huge aspect of that first impression comes from the cleanliness and appearance of your carpet or hard floors.

Routine carpet cleaning makes certain that your carpets continue to look their best for a long time, keeping your business looking its best at all times.

Here are the top five reasons routine carpet cleaning is good for your business:

1. By improving the appearance of your office with fresh, clean carpeting, your customers are provided with a sense of an overall well-maintained business. A clean and beautiful facility will leave your customers with a lasting positive impression of your business, which will influence their future purchasing decisions as well as word of mouth referrals and reviews.

2. Your business's flooring was a big investment and it usually takes quite a beating. Routine carpet and hard floor cleaning extends the life of your flooring,maximizing your investment and saving you money in the long run. When stains or spots are ignored for long stretches of time, they attract more dirt. Cleaning methods like extractions renews your carpet's fibers while removing stains and spots, providing your carpets protection from problematic long-term damage.

3. Routine carpet care improves the quality of your office's air. Carpet acts as a filter, trapping common pollutants and preventing them from becoming airborne. But, how effectively carpeting works as a filter depends on how often your carpets are cleaned. Regular cleaning of your carpets allows them to more effectively trap pollutants.

4. Employees' morale is boosted in a clean work environment, in turn boosting their productivity. Routine carpet cleaning also helps you and your staff breathe easier by preventing the buildup of allergens and bacteria. When your staff is more productive, your bottom line is positively affected.

5. Most carpet warranties require regular carpet cleanings (usually about every 12 to 18 months). You can easily maintain your carpet's warranty with a documented carpet cleaning program.

Gator Clean has customized routine carpet care and maintenance programs to fit the needs of any type of business. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss which program best suits your business's cleaning needs.