Residential and commercial carpet and tile cleaner serving Central Florida

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Household Chores To Take Care of Before Thanksgiving Day.

If you have ever hosted a Thanksgiving dinner at your house, you know how stressful it can be!  As if making sure everything is cooked to perfection isn't enough, you also have to make sure your home is clean and ready for multiple guests. If you tackle some chores a few days ahead of the big day, it puts less stress on your plate, which leave leaves more room for pie!

Here are a few household chores to remember before Thanksgiving Day:

  1. The first thing to do before you even start is to recruit a few people to help around the house. Even kids as young as two can pick up their toys, hold a dustpan, and help out with the dusting. Older kids and adults can help with vacuuming, mopping, and cleaning the bathrooms. It's fun to make it like a game or contest.
  2. Decluttering rooms that will be occupied the most is a great way to give the home a clean and fresh feel. Look around for things that may seem important to you, but don't look cute. For example, an old coffee can be filled with loose change is useful to you but not very pretty for your guest to look at. Use a laundry hamper to temporarily store away miscellaneous odds and ends that are usually out in the open. Tuck the hamper away in a closet or garage until after the event.
  3. Sweep, mop, and dust the floors, baseboards, corners, and small nooks and crannies. Don't forget to dust under furniture, bookshelves, and even fan blades.
  4. Schedule a professional floor cleaning for tile and carpet. Having your carpets freshly cleaned gets all the stains and odors out while giving your home a stunningly clean feel.
  5. Wash sheets, blankets, comforters, hand towels, and rugs a day or two before Thanksgiving. Throw in some fabric softener and use dryer sheets to get that fresh, clean linen smell.
  6. Clean out your refrigerator and pantry the day before your guest arrives. No one likes mystery food in a scary fridge!
  7. On the big day, make sure bathrooms are clean, beds are made, and re-check for clutter. Sweep the front porch and shake out the welcome mat. It's always a good idea to have extra garbage bags ready as well as to-go containers to send additional food home with your dinner guest.
  8. If you haven't already put out some Fall decorations to give your home a festive feel. Light some pumpkin and apple cinnamon candles to make your home smell irresistible.

Doing the chores a few days ahead of Thanksgiving helps make the day go a lot smoother, so you don't look like…well…a turkey.

Gator Clean can help with a lot of the big chores you don't want to bother with, such as floor cleaning, air vent cleaning, and allergen removal. We can even remove any bad odor from your home and give it a fresh, clean feel so you and your guest can take breath easier. Contact us today for a free quote.