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(352) 508-4556

How can I prolong the life of my mattress?

Buying a new mattress is a significant purchase, so it only makes sense that taking specific actions to extend the life of your mattress is an excellent way to protect your investment and save money. 

Below are just a few tips on how to give your mattress the longest life possible:

1. Use a Mattress Cover - Mattress covers are your final line of defense against messy spills or dust and dirt that invade the fibers of your mattress. Covers are available in a wide variety of both natural and synthetic materials including cotton, polyester, latex, and bamboo. Water resistant and waterproof mattress covers are made from materials like vinyl or plastic.
Mattress covers are the final line of defense against spills and dirt from invading the fibers of a mattress. They also help prevent abrasion on the mattress surface due to body movement.
2. Avoid Leaving Wet Towels on the Mattress - Over time, the mattress became stained and soiled when wet towels or other wet objects are left sitting on it.
3. Check for and Remove Stains Monthly - Closely inspect your mattress each month and remove any stains you find with a safe upholstery / mattress cleaner. Allow the cleansed area to dry completely. Then, using your vacuum cleaner's upholstery attachment, remove any excess or built up dirt from the mattress.
4. Hire a Professional for Mattress Cleaning Schedule - Every household has a unique need for a mattress cleaning schedule. How often your mattress should be professionally cleaned depends on a few factors that are unique to your home, like humidity levels, air quality, and personal lifestyle.