Residential and commercial carpet and tile cleaner serving Central Florida

(352) 508-4556

Kawasaki Disease & Carpet Cleaning

Kawasaki disease (also known as Kawasaki Syndrome) is a rare but very serious illness that mainly affects young children. The media has on many occassions implied a connection between Kawasaki Disease and carpet cleaning. Understandably parents are rightly concerned about any threat to their family, especially their children. However, much of the news coverage has been sensationalist. This leads to over-reaction.

The actual link between Kawasaki disease and carpet cleaning lies in the relationship of the disease to rental carpet cleaners (like the kind found in most local grocery stores). Professional carpet cleaning services use highly specialized cleaning agents and techniques to remove deeply embedded dirt, microbes, and bacteria from your carpet.

When your carpets are cleaned professionally with hot water extraction or "steam cleaning" - the heat of the water kills the harmful bacteria present in the fibers. This is beneficial for many reasons, most importantly for the overall health and safety of your family and your pets.

Here is what Dr. Michael Berry (former deputy director of the US EPA) had to say on carpet cleaning:

"Based on what I have learned in recent months from researchers working in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, I have reached the conclusion that carpeting and fabrics not cleaned and properly maintained have the potential to cause a variety of health problems inside the building environment. From a public health perspective, I would find it impossible to justify the installation of carpet indoors without the existence of effective cleaning methods using environmentally sound cleaning technology by individuals properly trained in the application of those methods and technology."

Researchers, public health officials and carpet manufacturers agree that regular carpet cleaning has many health benefits.

Since no definite cause for Kawasaki disease has been determined, it makes sense that everyone should stay off carpet during the carpet cleaning process and for a time afterwards and search out carpet cleaners who offer natural cleansers in their products.. Also, children should stay off the carpet for at least four hours, or until the carpet is completely dry.

Gator Clean knows this story all too well. Trust in us to keep you and your family safe and to get your carpets clean!