Residential and commercial carpet and tile cleaner serving Central Florida

(352) 508-4556

Keep carpet and furniture protected during holidays.

The holidays are approaching quickly, and that means time for holiday parties and family gatherings! Decorating your home for this time of year to share with family and friends always holds special moments. But with all that traffic coming in and out of your home, some not so jolly accidents can happen. A spilled glass of wine on a newly steamed carpet, your cousin's heels scratching the flooring, water rings left on wood furniture, the list can go on and on! Here you'll see five ways to protect your carpet and furniture during the holidays. 

1. Starting off with a clean floor is a good idea. Spend the time to get your floors deep cleaned before your visitors start coming and going. This will give the home a fresh, clean appearance and odor and will subconsciously keep guests from intentionally leaving any mess.

2. Use furniture mover pads. Those small foam and plastic discs easily slide under legs of furniture, making for easy transportation if they need to be moved to another room. Along with this, it also keeps the floor from becoming scratched and scuffed; same goes for the furniture legs. It also works for not leaving unsightly marks on a carpeted floor.

3. Keep a thick, rough material doormat right outside your front door. This will ensure that when your guests go to wipe their feet, it will get the excess of dirt off and not on your floors. Keeping other smaller mats throughout the house can keep floors cleaner longer as well. You can also take this a step further and enforce a "no shoe" rule, keeping a small shoe caddy near the front entrance.

4. Pull out the plastic! You may not want to go as far as being that relative/friend with the room full of plastic covered furniture no one is allowed to go in, but it couldn't hurt to use plastic coverings over certain items you just can't get messy.

5. Extra surfaces mean less clutter, which means less chance of accidental spills. Bring in a few extra flat surfaced items, such as fold up tables, during holiday parties. This ensures there will be plenty of room and won't make for a crowded dinnertime.

For help getting you home ready for the holidays contact Gator Clean for a free quote request.