Residential and commercial carpet and tile cleaner serving Central Florida

(352) 508-4556

Start the new year out with clean floors!

The New Year will be here before we know it and one of the best ways to ring it in is with a sparkling clean house!  Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming to think of deep cleaning the ENTIRE house, so let's start with the floors! Deep cleaning from the bottom up can be almost therapeutic, especially when you can see the results immediately. We can have your floors looking like they were just installed this new year!

Depending on the type of flooring you have, it will need a certain specific style of cleaning required. You wouldn't treat a wood floor the way you would a linoleum floor, and mainly not the same as a carpeted floor. Our cleaning experts take great care and precision in cleaning every nook and cranny of your flooring.

Throughout the year, regular maintenance is critical in keeping your floors looking fresh well after a new year deep cleaning. With non-carpeted flooring, a microfiber cloth can easily attract dust and get the dust out of hard to reach creases and corners. Wet mopping makes a big difference too, but be sure to stay away from combinations of water and vinegar or soap-based cleansers (except on some carpet) as these can be too rough on the flooring. This can be especially true for wood flooring - but the upkeep on them is very simple. Microfiber cloth to wipe away the dust and debris and a wipe down with a wood cleaner will keep it looking pristine. Carpeted floors are quite a bit different, but the most popular option for deep cleaning them is to have them steamed. This gets all the dirt and gunk from the fibers in the carpet loose and eventually washed away in the cleaner.

So whether you want to get those floors deep cleaned after all the festivities are done, make sure to contact Gator Clean. We'll make your floors look brand new again in no time!