Residential and commercial carpet and tile cleaner serving Central Florida

(352) 508-4556

Tips for Tackling Carpet Stains from Football Parties

There's a change in the air, the smell of food on the grill, smoke rising from the backyard fire pit and the vibrant colors of fall in Florida (your favorite team's jersey) - football season is here! Arguably the best time of year in Florida.

Of course, football season wouldn't be complete without the tradition of football parties, the time when your house if filled with the laughter and cheers of your friends and jokes about the other team, and inevitably, traffic stains on your carpet.

With a deep cleaning and maintenance program from Gator Clean, your carpet is already prepared for the back and forth trips to the fridge and the snack table, and the spills and traffic dirt that come with them. Here are some tips for quickly tackling spot stains in between your regular cleanings:

Food Stains (barbecue sauce, ketchup, dip)

  1. Use a dull butter knife to lightly scrape away the excess sauce, be sure to use care to avoid pushing the sauce deeper into the fibers of the carpet
  2. Blot the stain with a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent and 2 cups of warm water and a soft cloth (do not rub or scrub)
  3. Sponge the area with cold water and blot it dry
  4. If there is oil or residue, sprinkle baking soda, leave overnight and vacuum the next day

Beverage Stains (red wine, fruit punch)

  1. Mix one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent, one tablespoon of vinegar and 2 cups of warm water and begin to blot the stain with a damp, white cloth. The white cloth will allow you to see what you've absorbed and continue to use clean parts of the cloth.
  2. Blot the red stain every 5 minutes for half an hour
  3. Sponge the area using warm water to rinse the solution from the carpet
  4. For very tough stains, use alcohol to blot the stain and cold water to rinse
  5. Blot the carpet with a clean dry cloth until completely dry

Be sure to schedule your regular carpet deep cleaning and maintenance with Gator Clean to insure the best protection from traffic stains and to let you get your mind back into the game quicker!